Volcan Mountain Wilderness Preserve
VOLCAN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS PRESERVE Not just an exercise for the body, but also an exercise of the mind. The Volcan Mountain Wilderness Preserve is rated "tough" in the SD County Tour Our Trails Challenge and is indeed, tough. It may be just a neighborhood stroll for some, but for us, we just had to think of that Julian Apple Pie to motivate us to finish. This trail has the most impressive entrance. If you are an artist, read through the information from Volcan Mountain Foundation . At the entrance, look down to check-out the time capsule buried in 2000 to be opened in 2100. We are so curious, but we will not see it opened. We can only hope the future generation of hikers would appreciate its history as much as we did. As you climb up the trail, you will be surrounded by Canyon Live Oaks - young and mature. (We just learned that.) You will have a choice of going through the Service Road (go straight) or the Five Oaks Trail (turn right). We chose the latter. Th...